Carol Lee Brosseau

 Miller Gaffney and Carol Lee Pryor Brosseau host "Art Breakers" that premieres on Sunday evening on Ovation. This series focuses upon their worlds as art broker who connects buyers, collectors, artists. The duo produced four episodes that will air through October, beginning Sunday, Oct. 4, at 7 p.m. Central. Ovation has a subscriber base of nearly 50 million. The Ovation Network Digital Arts Network supports artists. The couple hope to be granted the green signal soon so that they can shoot even more. Baylor was a place where I made many friends that have been influential in my life. Karen Pope, Art History department. My classes were taught by Dr. Pope. I also took her on trips to Chicago and Paris to examine art. It was great fun to take art classes with her. I worked one summer as a mechanic's assistant, changing brake pads and oil.

