Carmen Maria Robles

 Carmen Maria Robles, August 18, 1973 (born Carmen Serano), is an American actress. She was the Assistant Principal Carmen Molina, a role she played on the tv series Breaking Bad. She was a co-star with Steven Seagal in Urban Justice (2006) as well as Deadly Impact (2010). On May 9, 2007, she married Greg Serano, an actor. They currently reside in California, with Mark Nya and Mark Nya their two daughters Cheyenne und Nya. A lot of people want to know the ethnicity, nationality, race and family history of Carmen Serano. Let's look it up! According to Wikipedia and IMDb Carmen Serano's race was Multiracial. This article will be updated to include details on Carmen Serano's political opinions and religious beliefs. You can read the article for the second time in a few days. The list includes the top ten actors with the most watched. Also on the list of the most famous American celebrities born in America. Carmen Serano celebrates birthday on the 18th of August each year.

